Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sketch of the day: 6

Okay so it's not completely a sketch..But hey it's still pretty darn cool-looking if I say so myself.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sketch of th day: 5 (finished sad fairy)

Finally finished it! (And remember: This project was an exercise in class and we were REQUIRED to use a pic from the internet as a reference so no copyright infringement is intended)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sketch of the day : 4 (Tallis)

This one's a bit late due to a hectic day, but here it is: A sketch loosely modeled after the elf Tallis in Felicia Day's web series Dragonage: Redemption.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sketch of the day : 3 (Sad fairy)

Sneak peak of something I'm doing with art rage for class. (Kind of a knock-off of a different picture on google but that's part of the project. So no copy-right infringement intended)

Okay..So it's more than a sneak peak but next time it's posted it'll be prettier and colored in.